The new
of wealth

Personal Wealth Management

We manage your money so you can live your life.

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Financial advisors picture

Financial advisors

Work with an advisor who knows you, knows what you want, and takes the guesswork out of investment decisions.
Custom portfolios picture

Custom portfolios

Own a personalized portfolio of hundreds of securities, designed specifically for you and managed to optimize after-tax return.
Tax strategies picture

Tax strategies

Cut the tax on your investments with strategies that can reduce, offset, defer or even eliminate tax altogether.

I built Evergreen for myself...

But it might be right for you, too.
I wanted a comprehensive advisory service to maximize my long-term wealth -- a conceptually-sound, tax-reducing, technology-driven, and human-advised way to manage all my money.
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Keep more.

Building wealth doesn’t hinge on how much you make, but how much you keep. At Evergreen Wealth, we leverage technology to implement risk- and tax-reducing strategies, such as automated Tax Loss Harvesting, on your behalf.
Compounded over 25 years, those strategies could add up to 30% increase to your portfolio.*
the power of tax strategy Graph
Evergreen app customer profile demo picture
Image is for illustrative purposes only and not intended to be reflective of actual client portfolio results.

Our technology

  • Custom portfolio construction
  • Automated tax optimization
  • Dynamic multi-factor rebalancing
  • Brilliant mobile and desktop apps
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$25,000 minimum deposit for banking.
$250,000 minimum deposit for investing. See terms.

A promising future

Life takes unexpected turns, but you are prepared. You’re building financial strength and resilience today, to be ready for tomorrow.
A promising future picture
Our Guarantee
“I built Evergreen because I believe there is a better way to manage your lifetime wealth. We pledge to work diligently to serve your needs and earn your trust.”
Bill Signature
Bill Harris
Founder of Evergreen Wealth
*disclosure outlining that this does not include performance of our technology, i.e. portfolio performance.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Evergreen Wealth?
What principles guide Evergreen Wealth's investment philosophy?
Why do I need a bank account for your investment product?
What is a fiduciary?
What services does my Evergreen relationship offer?
What is Personal Portfolio?
What does Evergreen charge for its services?
​​What is your minimum investment?
I want to speak to an advisor. How can I schedule a call?
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Join the new
generation of wealth

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